Anime Review: Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) Season II

Now, where was I? Oh yes...
Kuroshitsuji season I ended with Sebastian in the process of devouring Ciel's soul (

|Spoiler alert! I actually do not like to write the endings during review. However, I find the ending of this series as the best part of the entire story so I am going to write it down|

Kuroshitsuji season II opens with Sebastian entering Alois Trancy's maison to steal a ring that holds Ciel's soul. However, upon returning Ciel's soul into his body, Sebastian realized that Ciel's memory of the previous events is missing. Therefore, he does not realize that he is dead and that his contract with Sebastian has ended.

On the other hand, we are introduced to Alois Trancy. Alois is a frantic and somewhat insane child. His real name is Jim McCain and he used to have a brother named Luca. He was the old Trancy's mistress and  became the Trancy heir after the old Trancy died. He also has a black butler named Claude Faustus. Alois Trancy wishes for Ciel's soul in order to avenge his brother's death since he suspects that Sebastian consumed his brother's soul upon fulfilling his request. His contract with Claude is written in his tongue. Unlike Ciel who was independent of Sebastian, Alois is obsessed with Claude.

Claude is a perfectionist demon butler and is not as laid back as Sebastian. He stole Ciel's soul before being devoured. He wears eyeglasses and can take the shape of a spider, He has four demons followers: Hanna the maid and the triplets demon servants - Thompson (his fringe is swept to the right), Timber (his fringe falls directly to the center) and Canterbury (his fringe that is swept to the left). In the middle of the series, he becames entranced with Ciel's soul and determines to keep it for himself and compete with Sebastian to claim it. Alois becomes jealous and confessed his love for Claude. Upon doing so, Claude murdered him and kept Alois' soul in a ring.

Claude fused Ciel's and Alois' soul and make Ciel deny Sebastian. Hanna, the demon maid, manages to make Alois take over Ciel's body and form a contract with both Ciel and Alois. It turns out that she was the demon who devoured Luca's soul and since she was taken by Luca's goodness she becomes Claude's followers to protect Alois.  In the end, Alois makes Sebastian and Claude to fight each other. Sebastian wins and murder Claude. Alois' contract with Hanna ended and Alois died.  Hanna dumps Ciel's body into the ocean and die with Claude to join Alois. Sebastian jumped into the ocean to save Ciel.

In the end of the series, Ciel says good bye to his servants, friends, and fiancee. He left for a journey with Sebastian. The contract between Ciel and Sebastian remains. Sebastian is still his servant - for eternity since upon fullfiling the contract with Alois, Hanna turned Ciel into a demon. In the ending, Sebastian carried Ciel over a cliff and states that forever he would always says "Yes, My Lord".

I find that the second season not as good as the first. the fight between Sebastian and Claude is just too repetitive and thus boring. There are too many unrelated episodes. In addition, there is only half as many episodes as the first season making the storyline becomes too packed and confusing.

Some of the supporting characters from season one shows up briefly. However, Grell appears for several occasions and play an important role in aiding Sebastian find out the truth about Hanna.
So as I mentioned earlier, the best part of this season is the ending. I somewhat think that this is the perfect ending.


Book Review: Good Omens

Author: Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett

It all started in the beginning. Heaven and Hell are supposed to collide - thus the Armageddon is inevitable. Well, eleven years prior to the destined annihilation, the demon (named Crowley) deliveres the antichrist to the "appointed" family. He shares this experience to his foresworn "enemy" the angel Aziraphale.

However, since they both have occupied earth for too long and feel too comfortable to have it all ended, they decide to teach the future antichrist (using their respective good and evil ways) - hoping to turn him to "good" human therfore avoid the armageddon. Five days prior to the Armageddon, they realize that the antichrist was switched in the hospital when he was a baby and lost. Which means that they spent eleven years teaching the wrong boy... ooooppsss.

Things gets worse when Aziraphale was accidentally swooped by heaven and lost his human body. He therefore has to get to Adam (the name of the actual antichrist) using the body of Madam Tracy (a somewhat not so good medium - well usually not so good until she was actually possessed by an angel) using a flying old motorbike which generates the sound puttputt everytime. Crowley tries to get to Adam in his burning (not burnt) beloved antique bentley while using all his efforts to literally pull the car together.

On the other hand, hell has managed to send the hell hound to the Adam as a birthday present. The hell hound - big, fiery eyes, and ruthless -  hopes to be granted great evilness from his master. However, his master lacks of imagination and is simply hoping for a mongrel named Dog. Therefore, the hell hound becomes a small dog with downward ears who wishes nothing more to chase rabbits and cats. He does not wish anymore to go back to hell (which is what the earth would turn to be should hell win the armageddon) since he finally realizes tormenting souls is not as fun as chasing rabbits.

The four riders - war, famine, death and pollution (yes - pollution replaced pestilence after the discovery of penicillin) ride (using large bikes of course not horses) to find Adam to participate in the ending of the world.

In the mean time, Adam's memory of himself as the antichrist is awakening. Escorted by his three comrades, Pepper, Wensleydale, and Brian - who call themselves the Them gang - he decides meet all of the parties involved in the armageddon.

Anathema Device, the descendant of the great witch who predicted the end of the world, along with the witchfinders who accidentally bump into the whole event, do what they were supposed to do as regular good and brave humans - try to stop the Armageddon.

In the end Metatron (the voice of God) and Beelzebub (Prince of Hell) show up to remind everybody  (by giving them a speech) that armageddon is written and is unavoidable. However, they can't answer Aziraphale's question as to whether the time is actually ... now.. (well - at least heaven and hell agree on.. something).

This is one the the hillarious books I've ever read. Of course, one must keep an open mind in order to enjoy this book. This book is a page turner, filled with witty jokes and endless humour. I like all the characters - even the puny non significant ones (they all contribute either to the ending or the jokes).

Crowly and Aziraphale are my favourites characters.  I love the smart conversations between Aziraphale and Crowley. I like how cunning Crowley is and how benign Aziraphale is and how they  somehow manage to complete each other's actions.  I highly recommend this book for those who are looking for fresh reading.


Anime Review: Mushishi

Mushis are beings that is more basic and pure than any other form of life. They are ubiquitous and ethereal. Some of them are harmless but some may pose negative effects on humans. Most humans cannot see them. However, some can. And some becomes experts of the mushi. They are called MUSHISHI.

The story follows a mushishi named Ginko. He is a mushishi that helps villagers investigate peculiar  happenings.  He has white hair which cover one of his eyes. It is to hide the fact that the eye is missing. The color of his only eye is green. He has had this bizarre appearance ever since he was engulfed by a dark mushi when he was a child. The mushi also stole his memory and his name. He called himself Ginko since it was the only name he remembered when the mushi swallowed him.

Ginko is a laid back person. However, he performs his job seriously. He  solves mysterious cases related to the mushi like a detective solving a murder case. He analyzes the problem, figure out which mushi is responsible, and figure out a way to find out the best solution. He is always travelling since his presence has the tendency to draw mushi. Therefore, he tries not to get too attached to people and leave after staying for several weeks. But he is not without emotion even though most of his emotion is properly constrained. He also one of the mushishis that prefers not to kill the harmful mushis. He always tries to find ways to find win win solution for both mushis and humans.

He always has a wooden back pack with him. Inside he stores many useful things. One of them is a cocoon that can be used to relay messages. He is also a heavy smoker. He use the smoke to get rid of  all of the mushis that always appear around him.

Each episode in the anime follows different tales. Most of them contains philosophical insight. One of the most memorable tales was the man who wanted to catch the rainbow. His father caught a rainbow once and became insane. The man hated his father for that until the day his father died. He wanted to catch the rainbow as closure and to forgive himself and his father. Ginko showed him the way to the rainbow mushi. Upon finding it, the man managed to overcome his past and become the great engineer his father knew he would be.

The stories are usually simple and is told in detail. One scene follows another scene gracefully. There is no missing links between the scenes. The visualization is also profound. Every tree, snow, mist, people's expression is depicted so carefully and beautifully.

So overall, this anime has got everything an anime lover wanted. A great story with gist superbly told, a mix of detective and supernatural content, great picture (one of the most important essence for an anime), and strong characterization. The only question remained unanswered is how come Ginko wears modern clothing in old Japan? However, this is a small issue and does not change the fact that this is definately one of my favourites animes.


Book Review : Marley and Me

Author:  John Grogan

Stories on dogs usually describe the dog as obedient, nice, adorable, cute, etc. Well, this book does not tell that kind of story. Instead, the dog is described as the world’s naughtiest if not to say worst dog ever. A dog no dog owner would expect to have. The dog – Marley – is a Labrador retriever owned by the author –John Grogan.  The owner bought the dog as a pup on sale. And the pup grows to be a giant hyperactive Labrador who runs like mad, eat a lot, and destroy things. However, regardless of the dog’s apparent short of attitude, he turns out to be a great guardian for the kids, a loving, understanding, honest dog who loves the family and stay with them until his last breath. And all this is presented with good humor and honesty by the writer. 
The reader will not be bore to read what Marley did for the years of his life. Instead, they will be amazed by how such imperfect dog managed to bring happiness to the family from the beginning until the end. Grogan manage to tell each event with good humor and simplicity. From the moment Marley arrives in the house and cry all night, from being the first “child” in the family until becoming the last, until he grew grey and pass away. This is the first story that tells the reality of being a dog owner. The price the owners pay (in Grogan case it was usually in US dollars) and the prize they get. This is one of the best non-fictions ever written.


Book Review: Gilda Joyce, Psychic Investigator

Author: Jennifer Allison

The story is about a girl, Gilda Joyce, an eccentric teenage girl and (unlike what the title suggest) has no psychic abilities. Ever since her father passed away, she had missed him so much that she had become interested in supernatural happenings. That, and the fact that she had high curiosity and imagination; she decided to follow the career of a psychic investigator.

She pretty much invited herself to her uncle’s house. There, she experienced a lot of unexplainable events. She heard footsteps coming from the locked abandoned tower. And she met her cousin Juliet who told her that she saw her dead aunt’s ghost.  Therefore, Gilda and her cousin worked together to reveal the mystery.

Overall, I like the character Gilda. She is self confident, unique, and imaginative. She also has the spirit inside her to turn things into her way. However, in some events, I find her selfish and rude. But what I like the best is her “communications” with her deceased father. She writes about him and to him. Her grieve is depicted so well, we really get to understand why she chases around ghosts.

The events described are scary enough to give the reader a spook. However, in the end there is no real psychic deduction that solved the mystery. Actually it was solved accidently I felt there was no solution.  So overall, I was kind of disappointed that Gilda is not described as intelligent investigator who actually possesses the ability to solve mysteries.  


Book Review: The Graveyard Book

Author: Neil Gaiman

The story begins one night when a man, named Jack, killed an entire household aside from one baby boy. The baby – out of luck – found his way to the nearby graveyard. The graveyard ghosts decided to protect him from the killer.  The baby is named Nobody Owens since no one knew his name and he was finally adopted by a ghost couple called the Owens.  In short, he was called Bod. He also had a guardian called Silas who was not a part of the living nor the dead. For years Bod lived in the graveyeard and learned things only ghosts can do such as haunting, dream walking, and fading. He had numerous adventures: he met a horrifying indigo man and traveled to the world of the ghouls. He also found new interesting acquaintances both from the living and the undead – a werewolf and a witch ghosts. However, he could not stay in the graveyard forever. When he reached a certain age in his teenage years, he would have to leave since he would lose the ability to see the dead.  During the final years of his stay in the graveyard, Jack found him and tried to settle their unfinished business.

Eventhough this story starts and filled with adventures like any children book, it is not. The story speaks about Bod from when he was a baby until he was in early teenage years. The story describes how he learns from the dead and how he ends up using his non-human abilities to solve problems with other humans.  In the end, due to his “inhuman” manner of doing things, Bod was not perceived as hero. Instead, he is called a monster by the human closest to him, whose life he has just saved. In the very last chapter, he lost the ability to see his ghost friends and parents. He left to the human world and the reader is brought into question as to whether he could survive.
I would have to say that this is the darkest children story I’ve ever read and I love it for the very same reason. I really like the story since it is fascinating, the characters are strong, the adventures are well told. However, I would have to recommend this book only for those who are seeking for originality and meaning of the story. Those who are expecting happy ending children story where the lost boy becomes the hero everyone looks up to (e.g. Harry Potter) would be disappointed.


Movie Review: Going the Distance

The story is quite simple:
Erin is an intern at New York Chronicles who accidently met Garret who just broke up because he can't commit to a relationship. From the beginning, Erin has told Garret that she was going back to San Fransisco since her internship was about to end. However, within the few weeks, they fell hard for each other. So they tried to do long distance relationship. Until they realized it was not possible anymore and a solution must be made.

This movie will not have been as genuine and funny without the great acting performed by Drew Barrymore and Christina Applegate. This is one of the many romantic comedies where every " I love you " rings true. Erin said the first one when she realized it and Garret replied back fully aware that it was his first ones coming from his heart. Erin wept when she said her second one with  when Garret proposed that she should accept the job at San Fransisco Chronicles even if they had to say goodbye.

Christina Applegate manage to put all the comedies that can be performed for this movie. And she manages to make the movie feels fresh.

However, the movie has a predictable ending. Something that is too good to be true. So I would like to say that this is an OK movie. It is not a memorable one.


Movie Review: Step up 3D

For those of you who expects to watch   a complex, original, touching movie, this is not the movie for you. This movie is about dance and dancers. Nothing more, nothing less.
The story is about a freshman at NYU, named Moose, who joins the dance group called the Pirates. Luke,  the captain of the group, gathers dancers and give them a place to live and to dance simply because… errr… I kinda forget… he was nice.. or was it because his parents were dancers… Well, anyway, he is kind enough to support the group. However, the group was in trouble since the place they live and dance at is a few months late for its mortgage payment. Therefore, they have to win the world best dance competition to pay the debt.
In addition, a new beauty named Natalie appeared. She’s a great dancer. Luke also asked her to join the team… And… as predicted… Luke and Natalie became a couple… Little does he know… Natalie is the sister of the head of the Samurai dance team. Samurai team is the rival of the pirates. The head of the samurai team used to be a pirate member until he lost a dance on purpose for the money and got kicked out.
I don’t think I have to tell how the story ends… It IS kind of predictable. Anyway, let’s start something I have never done before – reviewing a dance! Well, most of the dance were hip hop and every dance is combined with some sort of element. The element of the first stage of the competition was earth. So the dancers kind of shrug off white sand during the entire dance. It is cool. The second stage of the competition was performed on flooded stage. So the dancers splashed water in every move. However, I kind of don't understand why the Pirates team managed to dance on flooded stage while their opponents were slipping.... hmmm...
On the last dance, the Pirates’ costume was covered with light bulbs that can show different colors of light. So in every significant move, the light changed color. And the moment they saw this, the Samurai team froze because ..hmmm.... their costume is not as cool!

Well, since I am not a major fan of the hip hop style, I admit that I was kind of lost during the dance. However, I kinda get that the hip hop the cast did was that of a great quality (I think the moves was kind of difficult to do - and the audience were clapping their hands and gasping)! The dance that I really enjoyed was the classic dance performed by Moose and his friend - Camille. They walk while dancing in the streets using a style that was used in the old movies using things that was available as tools and hitting and trampling all over (OK - I admit I am not very good at describing this). In addition, I did enjoy the tango performed by Luke and Natalie.
The thing that poke my curiousity is whether the actor of the main character (Luke) can actually dance. How come Luke is never the main dancer? In every hip hop dance he always stands at the background. I started to think that this is because he is probable the only actor in the movie and the others are dancers??? There was a time when Luke and Natalie had a hip hop duet and the camera was shooting from far away, I suspected that a replacement was used... LOL
So, overall - it is an OK film. Well... at least the dance was good enough to keep the audience awake.


Anime Review: Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) season I

The story revolves around a boy named Ciel Phantomhive and his butler – Sebastian Michaelis and takes place in London around the Victorian era. Ciel comes from a noble family. He inherited a large estate from his parents. He also works for her Majesty to solve mysterious cases. Everything appears to be ordinary except that Sebastian is not human. He is a demon butler bound by a contract to Ciel. The contract stipulates Sebastian to help Ciel to avenge his parents’ death. When the contract is fulfilled, Sebastian is free to consume Ciel’s soul. The pentacle is marked in Ciel's eye as a sign of the contract. That is the reason he always wears an eye patch.
I have fallen for this anime ever since the first series. The story is original and imaginative. Some of events depicted can be so funny that I would laugh non stop and some others are so bleak and dark (of course.... it  IS a story about a boy making arrangements with a demon). 

The characters are so compelling. Ciel, is depicted as an exceptionally smart, serious, vengeful, stubborn, mature, independent boy who is so transfixed in finding his parents killer. He is cruel to the villain and kind to those who are innocent. In the first episode, Ciel made the contract with Sebastian when he was being tortured. This dark past made him unable to smile and live as a child properly. He does not appreciate his own life and threw it away for revenge. In the last episodes, he met a dying police officer who told him that he should live fully. At that time, Ciel realized that it was too late.
Sebastian is a can do all butler. Unlike Ciel, he smiles a lot. His easy going attitude is by far contrast to his demonic nature. He would do anything to do Ciel's bidding since he has a contract with the child. However, sometimes, he is also violates Ciel's orders in order to protect him. In other times, he bothers and irriates Ciel. He is somewhat attached by Ciel but is not reluctant in consuming Ciel’s soul. His "weapons" are the silver knives and forks. He has dark eyes. But they turn red when his demonic aura appears. In his full demon form, it appears that he has wings. However, this form is never fully revealed. He can also takes form of a black crow.  Upon following Ciel's orders he always says the sentence "Yes, My Lord". He refers to himself as "One hell of a butler" . Inspite of his perfectionist nature and obidience to Ciel, he would be completely lost when he sees a cat. He would then abandon his job and Ciel (a demon - obsessed with cats).

The supporting characters are also interesting. The Phantomhive household has four other servants aside from Sebasitian. Bard is the cook who can’t cook who turns out to be an ex soldier. He was the only survivor from his platoon. Finnian the gardener who destroys the garden. He has supernatural strength due to experiments done to him before he was rescued by Sebastian. Mey-Rin is the maid who destroys things every time she tries to cleans up.  She turns out to be an ex gun man. Tanaka is the only servant who served for the former Master Phantomhive. He is usually described as deformed and senile therefore does not usually do any task. However, when he is healthy, he is a perfect butler.

Ciel met an eccentric grim reaper (those who reaps people's soul when they die) upon solving the Jack the Reaper case. His hair, eyeglasses, and clothes are red. His name is Grell. His schythe takes the form of a chainsaw. He sided with Jack the Reaper (who turned out to be Ciel's family - Madame Red). He is a psycho and just love using his schythe. Initially they became enemies and Sebastian nearly killed him. He was however saved by his boss - William. His scythe was taken away and was replaced with a pair of scissor as punishment.  In the end Grell was interested in Sebastian and became an unwanted ally to the butler. Sebastian knew this and used him for his own demonic good (he even stepped on Grell to get to higher grounds). All this Grell did happily in exchange for Sebastian's little attentien (e.g. smile) --- (stupid grim reaper in love).
In addition, there is the weird and mysterious undertaker. His hair is white and his clothes and hat are black. Simply put, he looks insane. However, he appears to know things. He becomes Ciel's informant. But he does not wish to be paid with money. Instead, he wants to hear funny jokes. In the ending episodes, he turns out to be a grim reaper just like Grell.

And then there’s Lau – the Chinese trader and the woman he is always with - Ranmau. They are opium sellers and have disagreement with Ciel and Sebastian. Prince Soma is a spoiled prince from India. After getting to understand his mistakes, he became friends with Ciel. He has a bodyguard named Agni. In addition, Ciel has a fiancĂ©e named Elizabeth. She is blond and spoiled. But she really loves Ciel. In one of the episodes, she got kidnapped. And the case gave Ciel a hint on who was responsible for his parents’ death.

In a visit to a village, Ciel, Sebastian,and the Phantomhive servants met Angela. She is a woman whose village is terrorized by a giant hound dog who breathes fire. The hound dog is tamed by Sebastian and is named Pluto. Ciel brought him to his estate and made him a pet. However, it is later found out that Angela is indeed a fallen angel. She has a female form and a male form called Ash. She is also the master of Pluto. In the end of the story she unleashed Pluto in London and created havoc. The Phantomhive servants tried to handle the situation and was separated from Sebastian and Ciel.  Angela also knows who killed Ciel’s parents. Sebastian battled her and won. Ciel managed to get his vengeance towards those who killed his parents and died. The contract between Ciel and Sebastian ended. In the last episode, Sebastian brought Ciel to his dwelling to consume his soul.
(Please do not be disappointed by this ending… the story continues to season II)


Movie Review: Legend of the Guardians

Release: 2010

There are some doubts as I entered the cinema to watch this movie. Most of it revolves around the question “would the movie be as good as the book?” I didn’t have to wait long. The movie opened with the scene of Soren’s father flying. And I have to say… It was a spectacular opening. The animation was real smooth! The animator managed to depict every single feather caught by the wind during the flight exceptionally. But of course, that was just a opening scene.

So I waited for the story. I heard the movie is a summary of three initial books of the Legends of the Ga’hoole. Having read the books, I was really curious on how the writers would create something as spectacular as the original story.  And I was not disappointed.
In the movie, both Soren and Kludd was kidnapped and taken to the “orphanage”. On the way, Soren met Gylfie – and elf owl.  In the orphanage, they met Nyra. Nyra explained the importance of being a “pure bread” or the so called Tyto owls (which Soren and Kludd happened to be). However, Soren defended Gylfie and was sent to the “picking” division and Kludd was selected as a soldier. Soren finally escaped with Gyfie and tried to find a way to contact the guardians of Ga’hoole – the supposed legendary guardians of the owl kingdom or so Soren’s dad often told him.

On their way, they met Digger – a burrowing owl and Twilight – the great gray owl. Together, they finally reached the guardians. The guardians decided to send a team of scouts to the orphanage. However, only their leader – Allomere, managed to come back with Soren’s sister – Eglantine. The leader of the Ga’hoole decided to take the entire guardian army to attacke the orphanage which turns out to be a led by Metal Beak  to destroy the owl kingdom.

However, their plan was disastrous. And, Soren and his friends flew in to help the guardians.
Well, enough of the story… back to why this movie is so damn cool! Reason A: like I said before, each scene involved flying is amazing! Reason B: Each settings are depicted amazingly. The Kingdom of the Ga’hoole resembles that of the elfen world of the Lord of the Rings (however, in this movie, it’s more heaven like). Reason C: the fighting scenes are amazing! When I read the book, I had no idea how to imagine owls fighting.

Well, apparently the director of this movie is swarming with unlimited imaginations. The metal claws, the swords, the helmets are all looking so great. And the actions scenes are so real one would be breathless to watch. Reason D: each character is uniquely described. My favorite one is Digger. He is really depicted as the “a bit off” owl as described in the book. He actually blinks and twitches a lot and seems to be unable to stay still. And I love the addition of the poetic description of Twilight. The movie creator was somehow creative enough to make him a singing poetic fighter and give him a harp. Instead of just staying with simple tough fighter character described in the book!

Overall, this movie is a must watch!


Movie review: How to Train Your Dragon

To be honest, I entered the cinema without any expectation for this movie.  I simply decided to watch this movie since I had nothing else to watch.
I originally thought “OK, this is going to be another common movie about heroism, friendship, and other usual stuff the producers throw for any animated film. The scenes will be standard and I will be bored to death.”  Well, I can’t be more mistaken – about the being bored to death part. The movie turned out to be quite a ride.
The story is about an skinny teenager – called Hiccup – who is good for nothing according to the standards of his community (the Vikings – that is). All he wants is to be like the others – brawl and all – and fight dragons not to mention to have a date with the blonde tough warrior to be – called Astrid.
Everything changed since he managed to shoot a dragon down. Well, no one believed him, so he searched for the fallen dragon himself. He found the dragon and in the twist of tale, Hiccup didn’t kill the dragon as planned. Instead, he named it Toothless, grew attached to it, pet him, and RODE it. He became the first person to ride a dragon.
So…. OK.. the story is typical. However, the action and flying scenes are amazing. They take your breath away. However, the best part is ….Toothless – the dragon. He is a dangerous, smart, brave, willful, a wonderful friend and pet (dog like) somewhat child like dragon with ability to fly supersonic and shoot lightning bolt.  Whenever he is present, Toothless steals the scene. In addition, the relationship between Toothless and Hiccup is described wonderfully. They started as two beings not trusting each other but grow so connected that they were willing to go to war together.  The scene where they draw on the ground and ending with Hiccup slightly placing his hand Toothless for the first time and earning his trust is the most memorable scene in any animation to date.
I’ve watched this movie several times now and still find the movie appealing and wonderful. And, yes, I love Toothless. I’ve never watched other animated films with such a solid characterization. The movie is an example that a simple story can be made into an exceptionally different movie altogether if the non human characters are well described. They should not be portrayed as silly good for nothing sidekicks who can somehow speak. Instead, they should be given a personality and lose the ability to speak.
 I would recommend anyone – young and old – to watch this movie.


Book Review: The Mysterious Benedict Society

Author:  Trenton Lee Stewart
Reynie, Sticky, Kate, and Constance are four gifted children chosen by Mr. Benedict to complete a secret mission.  Mr. Benedicts explains that there are hidden messages broadcasted by televisions and that the messages must be stopped. In order to do so, the four children become secret agents to infiltrate an institute led by a mysterious man called Mr. Curtain. Inside the institute, the children must find their own way to be trusted by Mr. Curtain in order to become his Messengers in order to find out Mr. Curtain’s plans and to destroy them.

The story starts really fine. Reynie, Sticky, Kate, and Constance are nicely depicted. Each of them possess unique gifts. However, the story becomes really boring when the character Mr. Benedict shows up. First, Mr. Benedict’s character is too plain. Second, there seem to be lack of explanation to the children why the messages are dangerous and why they must be stopped now. It’s funny how gifted children such as them do not question Mr. Benedict’s motives and just follow his plans without sufficient explanations. Their stay at the institute does not pose enough adventure let alone action. There is no hidden tunnel, surprises, ambush or any other elements that can make the story more interesting. Instead, the messengers and executives Mr. Curtain has seems to be unintelligent and careless enough that the four children manage to get away every single time.
Overall, I would say the story could have been made more interesting.


Book Review: Flowers for Algernon

Author:  Daniel Keyes
The story revolves around Charlie - a man with unusually low IQ. His only wish is to be smart since he thinks he will be better if he were. Several doctors offered him that chance by making him the first human to take a risky operation to increase one’s intelligence. The operation was successful on a mouse named Algernon. Charlie accepted the opportunity and the operation was more successful than expected. Charlie became a genius. He became more intelligent than his friends and the bakery where he worked, his teacher, and even the doctors who operated him. However, instead of having more friends, he became feared and was more ostracized than before. Things got worse when Algernon signed symptoms of madness and degradation. Charlie restudied the theories that based his operation and came out with a frightening result that the basic theory was flawed. He wrote a thesis based on this finding. The theory basically foretells what would happen to the object of the operation. His thesis is named after himself and Algernon. Charlie, well aware that his conclusion cannot possibly be mistaken, watched in agony as Algernon died and set to prepare for his “future” – a degraded version of himself. He visited his father who didn’t recognize him any longer, his senile mother who always hated him for being not as intelligent as other kids, his sister whom his mother was so proud off but end up with nothing but a difficult task of taking care of their mother. He also prepared his future home. He came to the place where people with exceptionally low IQ were treated. He watched the patients there and he knew he would be one of them. He knew because he has calculated his theory himself and he was too intelligent to have miscalculated his own theory.
When I read the first page, I was discouraged. The story is written in the form of Charlie’s journal. And what’s worse, the journal is written with Charlie’s level of intelligence of that time. Therefore, the first pages were written using erroneous grammar and spelling. I thought I wouldn’t last the first chapter. However, I was wrong. I couldn’t stop reading the book.
By using Charlie’s words, Keyes is able to let us feel Charlie’s feelings. Before the operation, he would regard how nice his “friends” were. How, they make jokes and how they laugh together. However, we get to understand that they are not jokes. His “friends” were bullying him because he was so dim he didn’t understand that he was the victim. When Charlie began to understand the situation, he became angry at them. Ironically, the doctor called anger and repudiation as initial signs of the operation’s success. And as Charlie grew more intelligent, it is obvious that his personality became worse. He became self centered and wondered why other people can’t keep up with his thinking.
The book successfully questions the meaning of intelligence - whether it brings us the happiness we expect. We get to ponder what blessing really is – to not know what is happening around you and be happy or to know exactly what is going to be and be completely helpless to change the result.
The story is original, mesmerizing, wonderful, and definitely unforgettable. Two thumbs up!
