Movie Review: Legend of the Guardians

Release: 2010

There are some doubts as I entered the cinema to watch this movie. Most of it revolves around the question “would the movie be as good as the book?” I didn’t have to wait long. The movie opened with the scene of Soren’s father flying. And I have to say… It was a spectacular opening. The animation was real smooth! The animator managed to depict every single feather caught by the wind during the flight exceptionally. But of course, that was just a opening scene.

So I waited for the story. I heard the movie is a summary of three initial books of the Legends of the Ga’hoole. Having read the books, I was really curious on how the writers would create something as spectacular as the original story.  And I was not disappointed.
In the movie, both Soren and Kludd was kidnapped and taken to the “orphanage”. On the way, Soren met Gylfie – and elf owl.  In the orphanage, they met Nyra. Nyra explained the importance of being a “pure bread” or the so called Tyto owls (which Soren and Kludd happened to be). However, Soren defended Gylfie and was sent to the “picking” division and Kludd was selected as a soldier. Soren finally escaped with Gyfie and tried to find a way to contact the guardians of Ga’hoole – the supposed legendary guardians of the owl kingdom or so Soren’s dad often told him.

On their way, they met Digger – a burrowing owl and Twilight – the great gray owl. Together, they finally reached the guardians. The guardians decided to send a team of scouts to the orphanage. However, only their leader – Allomere, managed to come back with Soren’s sister – Eglantine. The leader of the Ga’hoole decided to take the entire guardian army to attacke the orphanage which turns out to be a led by Metal Beak  to destroy the owl kingdom.

However, their plan was disastrous. And, Soren and his friends flew in to help the guardians.
Well, enough of the story… back to why this movie is so damn cool! Reason A: like I said before, each scene involved flying is amazing! Reason B: Each settings are depicted amazingly. The Kingdom of the Ga’hoole resembles that of the elfen world of the Lord of the Rings (however, in this movie, it’s more heaven like). Reason C: the fighting scenes are amazing! When I read the book, I had no idea how to imagine owls fighting.

Well, apparently the director of this movie is swarming with unlimited imaginations. The metal claws, the swords, the helmets are all looking so great. And the actions scenes are so real one would be breathless to watch. Reason D: each character is uniquely described. My favorite one is Digger. He is really depicted as the “a bit off” owl as described in the book. He actually blinks and twitches a lot and seems to be unable to stay still. And I love the addition of the poetic description of Twilight. The movie creator was somehow creative enough to make him a singing poetic fighter and give him a harp. Instead of just staying with simple tough fighter character described in the book!

Overall, this movie is a must watch!
