Book review: Nightmare Academy Series

Type:  novel
Author:  Dean Lorey
Overall synopsis
Charlie and his friends from the Nightmare Academy fight the army of the named – creatures from another world that are summoned by humans during nightmares.
Nightmare Academy: Monster Hunters
Charlie Benjamin is a boy who often has nightmares. However, his nightmares are somewhat unusual. After he wakes up he usually finds unusual and scary things. Due to this, his parents prevent him from venturing outside of the house. One night, a monster came out of his nightmare. During the emergency, Pinch, Tabitha, and Rex came and rescue Charlie and his parents. After the emergency was over, they explained that Charlie is a gifted boy and should be taken to the Nightmare Academy where his skills will be put into good use.
In the academy, Charlie meets Theodore, Violet, and Brooke. Also, Charlie finds out that he is a “double threat” – a child with the ability to open portals (nethermancer) and a fighter (banisher). Theodore, who wants to be a banisher like his father turns out to be a nethermancer. Violet, who likes to draw dragons, is a banisher. While Brooke, is a facilitator – someone who has lost her power and provides knowledge for the other team members.
Together they try to prevent Barakkas – a named (monster level 5) from joining Verminion – another named that has successfully infiltrated earth ten years earlier while rescuing Charlie’s parents.
I like the way Lorey defines the power. They are not really power. They are in fact –fears. The power of the nethermancer summons one’s greatest fear and transmit that fear to open portals. I also like how the three main characters are depicted as common children, simply wanting a place in the world. And I like the additional character – Brooke. A girl who cares more on looks than on others who turns out to be quite a brave hero. This fact even surprises herself.
Nightmare Academy: Monster Madness
The Guardian, a creature that prevents the monster world from colliding to our world, is dying. Charlie and his friends search for the milk of the hydra to restore the Guardian’s health. Meanwhile, the other named ones (Slagguron and Tyrannus) are trying to infiltrate to our world.
Pinch, the old facilitator, managed to steal a sip of the hydra milk and restore his youth and his old power. He wants to avenge his parents’ death and kill Verminion. However, his emotional state is questioned since Pinch had always somehow been unstable.
Amidst all that, there is treachery in the human side and all plans go wrong.
This book really set Nightmare Academy apart from other teenage story. First, Lorey manage to wonderfully describe Pinch. One can take pity on such a character. Second, there are a lot of elements of surprises. You can never tell what’s going to happen next.
Nightmare Academy: Monster Wars
The Academy is paralyzed. The monsters are released to this world. The queen of the monster called the Fifth is summoned. Nothing can defeat her except for the Sword of Sacrifice. Charlie, Theodore, Violet, and Brooke sets on the journey to retrieve the sword. However, in order to have the sword, Charlie must prove worthy of the sword and his friends must make the ultimate sacrifice for him.
The sacrifices Theodore, Violet, and Brooke gave for Charlie and how Charlie tries to get them all back is touching. Lorey manages to tell a story a beautiful friendship between the four and manage to tell it realistically (Brooke actually screamed when she found out what she gave up). In addition, the plot twist and turn and every page uplift the readers’ curiosity on what happens next. Lorey manages to keep the reader wondering the ultimate question “even if Charlie manages to get the sword, how will he defeat the ultimate queen of monster whose power is unsurpassable? “ A wonderful read indeed.
