Book Review: Good Omens

Author: Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett

It all started in the beginning. Heaven and Hell are supposed to collide - thus the Armageddon is inevitable. Well, eleven years prior to the destined annihilation, the demon (named Crowley) deliveres the antichrist to the "appointed" family. He shares this experience to his foresworn "enemy" the angel Aziraphale.

However, since they both have occupied earth for too long and feel too comfortable to have it all ended, they decide to teach the future antichrist (using their respective good and evil ways) - hoping to turn him to "good" human therfore avoid the armageddon. Five days prior to the Armageddon, they realize that the antichrist was switched in the hospital when he was a baby and lost. Which means that they spent eleven years teaching the wrong boy... ooooppsss.

Things gets worse when Aziraphale was accidentally swooped by heaven and lost his human body. He therefore has to get to Adam (the name of the actual antichrist) using the body of Madam Tracy (a somewhat not so good medium - well usually not so good until she was actually possessed by an angel) using a flying old motorbike which generates the sound puttputt everytime. Crowley tries to get to Adam in his burning (not burnt) beloved antique bentley while using all his efforts to literally pull the car together.

On the other hand, hell has managed to send the hell hound to the Adam as a birthday present. The hell hound - big, fiery eyes, and ruthless -  hopes to be granted great evilness from his master. However, his master lacks of imagination and is simply hoping for a mongrel named Dog. Therefore, the hell hound becomes a small dog with downward ears who wishes nothing more to chase rabbits and cats. He does not wish anymore to go back to hell (which is what the earth would turn to be should hell win the armageddon) since he finally realizes tormenting souls is not as fun as chasing rabbits.

The four riders - war, famine, death and pollution (yes - pollution replaced pestilence after the discovery of penicillin) ride (using large bikes of course not horses) to find Adam to participate in the ending of the world.

In the mean time, Adam's memory of himself as the antichrist is awakening. Escorted by his three comrades, Pepper, Wensleydale, and Brian - who call themselves the Them gang - he decides meet all of the parties involved in the armageddon.

Anathema Device, the descendant of the great witch who predicted the end of the world, along with the witchfinders who accidentally bump into the whole event, do what they were supposed to do as regular good and brave humans - try to stop the Armageddon.

In the end Metatron (the voice of God) and Beelzebub (Prince of Hell) show up to remind everybody  (by giving them a speech) that armageddon is written and is unavoidable. However, they can't answer Aziraphale's question as to whether the time is actually ... now.. (well - at least heaven and hell agree on.. something).

This is one the the hillarious books I've ever read. Of course, one must keep an open mind in order to enjoy this book. This book is a page turner, filled with witty jokes and endless humour. I like all the characters - even the puny non significant ones (they all contribute either to the ending or the jokes).

Crowly and Aziraphale are my favourites characters.  I love the smart conversations between Aziraphale and Crowley. I like how cunning Crowley is and how benign Aziraphale is and how they  somehow manage to complete each other's actions.  I highly recommend this book for those who are looking for fresh reading.
