Movie Review: Step up 3D

For those of you who expects to watch   a complex, original, touching movie, this is not the movie for you. This movie is about dance and dancers. Nothing more, nothing less.
The story is about a freshman at NYU, named Moose, who joins the dance group called the Pirates. Luke,  the captain of the group, gathers dancers and give them a place to live and to dance simply because… errr… I kinda forget… he was nice.. or was it because his parents were dancers… Well, anyway, he is kind enough to support the group. However, the group was in trouble since the place they live and dance at is a few months late for its mortgage payment. Therefore, they have to win the world best dance competition to pay the debt.
In addition, a new beauty named Natalie appeared. She’s a great dancer. Luke also asked her to join the team… And… as predicted… Luke and Natalie became a couple… Little does he know… Natalie is the sister of the head of the Samurai dance team. Samurai team is the rival of the pirates. The head of the samurai team used to be a pirate member until he lost a dance on purpose for the money and got kicked out.
I don’t think I have to tell how the story ends… It IS kind of predictable. Anyway, let’s start something I have never done before – reviewing a dance! Well, most of the dance were hip hop and every dance is combined with some sort of element. The element of the first stage of the competition was earth. So the dancers kind of shrug off white sand during the entire dance. It is cool. The second stage of the competition was performed on flooded stage. So the dancers splashed water in every move. However, I kind of don't understand why the Pirates team managed to dance on flooded stage while their opponents were slipping.... hmmm...
On the last dance, the Pirates’ costume was covered with light bulbs that can show different colors of light. So in every significant move, the light changed color. And the moment they saw this, the Samurai team froze because ..hmmm.... their costume is not as cool!

Well, since I am not a major fan of the hip hop style, I admit that I was kind of lost during the dance. However, I kinda get that the hip hop the cast did was that of a great quality (I think the moves was kind of difficult to do - and the audience were clapping their hands and gasping)! The dance that I really enjoyed was the classic dance performed by Moose and his friend - Camille. They walk while dancing in the streets using a style that was used in the old movies using things that was available as tools and hitting and trampling all over (OK - I admit I am not very good at describing this). In addition, I did enjoy the tango performed by Luke and Natalie.
The thing that poke my curiousity is whether the actor of the main character (Luke) can actually dance. How come Luke is never the main dancer? In every hip hop dance he always stands at the background. I started to think that this is because he is probable the only actor in the movie and the others are dancers??? There was a time when Luke and Natalie had a hip hop duet and the camera was shooting from far away, I suspected that a replacement was used... LOL
So, overall - it is an OK film. Well... at least the dance was good enough to keep the audience awake.
